Map Help

What is Stewardship?

Stew-MAP uses a broad definition of environmental stewardship: conserving, managing, monitoring, advocating for, or educating others about local environments. This can include activities related to water, land, air, waste, toxics, or energy. We include churches, schools, social service organizations, and other groups that do some consistent environmental stewardship work even if it is not their primary focus.

What is a stewardship site?

A stewardship site is a specific place or a larger “service area” where your group/organization does stewardship work. This may include places like community gardens or restoration sites or public parks – or a “service area” like a neighborhood, town, or city where you do outreach and environmental education.

How can my group be included on the map?

Fill out the survey. On page 2 of the survey, answer “yes” to the question “Does your group/organization wish to be on the online stewardship map?” You will also need to map the place or places where you work. Information you provide about how to contact your group, where you work, and what you work on will be posted to the online map.

How can I correct or update my group’s information in Stew-MAP?

You can log back into the survey to make changes to your previous responses:

  1. Go to the Update My Group’s Info page.
  2. In the box, enter the email address you provided when you filled out the survey.
  3. Click the “Continue” button.
  4. Click on the link for your organization’s survey on the next screen.
  5. Page through the survey (it is shorter now!) and make updates or corrections to your group’s responses.

We filled out the survey – why isn't our group on the map?

There are two possible reasons why this might be:

  1. Someone filled out the survey but said not to put the group on the online map. If that someone was you and you've changed your mind, you can log back in and update your answer about being on the map on page 2 of the survey. You can update your answers to other questions while you're in there too!
  2. Someone filled out the survey for your group and said "Yes" to being on the map — but then didn't provide a map of where you work. You can log back in now and provide a map of where you work — or just describe where you work and we'll draw your map for you. It might take us a few days but we'll email you when it's done.